i. Introduction: Living the Good Life in Bad Times


The Mercedes-Benz 300D

On October 25, 2004, we purchased a vintage 1976 Mercedes-Benz 300D, one of the classic diesel passenger cars. These can be found for a real steal these days, even though they possess one of the all-time great engines and are a true marvel of modern engineering. This is especially when it comes to running it on vegetable oil.

I have recently added a second fuel tank and a VegTherm fuel line heater, produced by a Salmon Arm, BC-based company called Neoteric Fuels, as well as a coolant-based fuel heater from Greaseworks. I keep homemade biodiesel in the stock fuel tank, and veggie oil in the tank in the runk, and it is a satisfying feeling having weaned myself off of petroleum fuel.


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