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The official website of the Veronica Tangent

Listen to music at www.tindeck.com

Listen to Veronica's Music at www.tindeck.com

See photos of Veronica on her Homepage

Link to Veronica Tangent's Democracy Activity Centre

Read the news without corporate bias at Indy Media

Sign petitions supporting Universal Human Rights at Amnesty International

Born in the ancient rainforests of Vancouver Island, Veronica Tangent soon moved to the tiny island-nation of Dominica. Whilst still an infant, she travelled the world in her parents home-made, ocean-going motor-home (U.S. Patent # A467 783 2445US). At the age of seventeen, Veronica bought a castle near Milan with revenues inherited from her father's patent. Tired of life as an Italian Princess, and having squandered several billion Lira, the ever-peripatetic Ms. Tangent eventually resettled back in Canada.

Having already dabbled in the fields of nude modelling, forensic anthropology, avant-garde photography, and professional athletics, the indefatigable Princess Veronica has now decided to become a SuperSingerPopStar.

To watch, or download, the video "Beauty"(108.2K);, click on the photo below:

Veronica Tangent placed fifth for BC in the CBC's Big Break Competition, resulting in a national broadcast on 'Definitely Not The Opera'. CBC Producer Tod Elvidge declared "...your material was deemed so good you have been shortlisted from over 500 canditates to the top 25", while CFUV program manager Randy Gelling called Veronica Tangent "one of the best and most intelligent" applicants, "who made it to the top 5".
Veronica Tangent's debut EP, Sex Pop, and her debut full-length, Noshowoffsideorderoffries, have both reached No. 1 on the CFUV charts, and have placed on Chart Attack and other indie radio charts.

Click here to watch

To listen to, or download, the track "Clean Shaven Pussy"(889.3K), click on the photo below:

Click here to listen to

To listen to, or download, the track "Sex Fling"(3.3M), click on the photo below:

Click here to listen to the track

Veronica has just signed a deal with notorious Gutter Press mogul Sam Hiyate, for "The Official Autobiography of Veronica Tangent"

Link to gutterpress.com
Link to The Fish Show

Copyright 2001-2005 Charlene Younie

All Rights Reserved

You can contact Veronica at: yk120@victoria.tc.ca

DissEntertainment Productions
Tel: (250) 598-5991